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The Effect of Smart Home Technology on Tenant Satisfaction in Jos, Plateau State

  • Project Research
  • 1-5 Chapters
  • Abstract : Available
  • Table of Content: Available
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  • NGN 5000

Background of the Study

Smart home technology refers to the integration of devices and systems that allow users to control and monitor their home environment remotely through internet-connected devices. In the context of residential spaces, smart home technologies include smart lighting, security systems, heating, cooling, and other automated functions (Mohan et al., 2024). These technologies have gained widespread popularity in various urban areas globally due to their potential to enhance convenience, security, and energy efficiency (Wang et al., 2023). In Nigeria, as urbanization accelerates and technology adoption increases, smart homes are becoming a significant consideration in modern real estate development (Ahmed & Usman, 2024).

Jos, the capital of Plateau State in Nigeria, is experiencing rapid urban growth, with more residents seeking improved living conditions. As the demand for high-quality housing increases, the role of smart home technology in tenant satisfaction becomes a focal point of research. The use of smart devices in homes can potentially elevate tenants' overall experience by offering increased control over living conditions, safety, and energy management (Sadiq et al., 2023). While smart home technology has been extensively studied in cities like Lagos and Abuja, there is limited research focusing on how these innovations affect tenant satisfaction in smaller urban areas like Jos (Ogunleye et al., 2025). Understanding the impact of smart home technology on tenant satisfaction in Jos can provide crucial insights for property developers, policymakers, and residents alike, guiding decisions on integrating such technologies in future housing projects.

Tenant satisfaction in the context of smart homes is often influenced by various factors, including ease of use, cost-effectiveness, and perceived benefits such as improved security and comfort (Mokhtar & Kamaruddin, 2023). The integration of smart devices, however, also presents challenges such as technical issues, high installation costs, and the need for continuous maintenance (Ibrahim & Bashir, 2024). These factors make it essential to assess the overall effect of smart home technologies on tenant satisfaction, particularly in emerging urban centers like Jos.

Statement of the Problem

Despite the growing interest in smart homes, there is a paucity of research on the effect of these technologies on tenant satisfaction in Jos, Plateau State. While smart home technology is considered a potential solution for enhancing living experiences, its actual impact on tenants in smaller urban settings remains understudied. The problem lies in the limited understanding of whether the benefits of smart homes, such as increased convenience and energy efficiency, translate into higher tenant satisfaction in the context of Jos. Moreover, there is a gap in exploring the challenges faced by tenants in integrating and utilizing smart home technologies, such as affordability and technical difficulties.

The lack of local data on tenant satisfaction with smart homes in Jos prevents stakeholders, including property developers and policymakers, from making informed decisions about the adoption and implementation of smart home technologies in future housing projects. There is a need for empirical research that examines how these technologies influence tenants' experiences in Jos, Plateau State, and whether they contribute to higher levels of satisfaction compared to traditional housing setups. Understanding these dynamics can guide the development of housing strategies that meet the needs of modern tenants in the region.

Objectives of the Study

  1. To assess the relationship between the use of smart home technology and tenant satisfaction in Jos, Plateau State.
  2. To identify the factors that influence tenant satisfaction with smart home technologies in the region.
  3. To examine the challenges faced by tenants in using and maintaining smart home technologies in Jos.

Research Questions

  1. What is the relationship between the use of smart home technology and tenant satisfaction in Jos, Plateau State?
  2. What factors influence tenant satisfaction with smart home technology in Jos?
  3. What challenges do tenants face in the use and maintenance of smart home technologies in Jos?

Research Hypotheses

  1. There is a significant relationship between the use of smart home technology and tenant satisfaction in Jos, Plateau State.
  2. The factors influencing tenant satisfaction with smart home technologies in Jos include convenience, security, and energy efficiency.
  3. Tenants in Jos face significant challenges related to the use and maintenance of smart home technologies.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

This study will focus on tenants residing in smart homes within Jos, Plateau State. It will examine various smart home technologies, including security systems, automated lighting, and energy management tools. The research will target tenants who have been living in smart homes for at least one year to ensure they have adequate experience with the technologies. Limitations of the study include the potential for non-response bias, as some tenants may be reluctant to provide information about their experiences, especially if they are dissatisfied. Additionally, technological issues or incomplete data may limit the generalizability of the findings.

Definitions of Terms

  • Smart Home Technology: A system of devices interconnected via the internet that can be controlled remotely to automate functions such as lighting, security, and energy management.
  • Tenant Satisfaction: The level of contentment that tenants experience with the various aspects of their rented property, including comfort, convenience, security, and overall living conditions.
  • Energy Efficiency: The use of technology to reduce energy consumption, often a key feature of smart homes.

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